Camellia Blooms-
"My father went to the heavens, so I don't even know his face. I want to see him if only in my dream, but how can I find him when I don’t know my father’s face?" writes a 70-year-old daughter in the message, in yearning of her father. Even though the old lady cried sadly while writing a letter to her father, she quickly smiles like an innocent child. Clear primary colors leave facial marks on paper. I try to capture the muted years with the transparency of watercolors. It is a vivid face that has not been destroyed by tragedy, like an April bloom in a place where historical madness and tyranny have passed.
Camelia Blooms is a project that looks at the Jeju 4.3 masscre in a new way, inspired by stories of bereaved families. *The Jeju 4.3 masscre by the government which caused more than 20,000 victims happened in 1948~1954. The tragedy was concealed by junta until late 1995. I met the families at the 70th anniversary ceremony of Jeju 4.3 in 2019. Most of them aged over 70, came to pray for the souls of those who were massacred. Rather than focusing on how much cruelty happened to them, I look at them as winners who overcame the dark times. Inspired by the people I met at the 70th anniversary ceremony, I draw their faces using water color while watching the portraits.
제주 4.3 70주년을 맞아 큰 굿 행사장에서 유족의 얼굴을 기록하는 사진관에서 일한 경험을 계기로, 3번의 4.3 전을 기획하고, 영상 및 드로잉으로 4.3유족을 담는 작업을 만들어왔다. 특히 사진을 보며 수채화로 유족의 초상화 총 150여 점을 그리고 있다.
동백꽃 피다, 쇼앤텔, 서울
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