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Child of Spring-

  At the 20th Tamra spring ritual Festival, I lead a workshop for 12 weeks with teenagers with choreographer Ahn. We made performance to wish for a year's hope, which will be shown in the public. Children put the  paper written on their secret wishes and the feather of the pheasant in a transparent balloon. And they danced in public praying for wishes while wore painted clothes by themselves.

  제주 봄의 시작을 알리고 비념하는 입춘굿에서 삼도2동 아이들이 만든 한 해의 소원을 담은 꿈 풍선을 들고 행진하는 12주간의 워크샵에는 안무가와 협업하여 퍼포먼스를 준비한다. 아이들은 입춘굿을 보러온 시민들이 모인 관덕정에서 직접 그린 의상을 입고 꿈을 소망하는 춤을 춘다.

20th Tamra Spring Ritual Festival

2018, Jeju Island 

<Child of Spring, 봄의 아이>

기획 | 박선

대상 | 삼도2동 우리지역 아동센터

후원 | 제주문화재단

*Tamra Guk Ipchungut ( Jeju dynasty spring ritual festival) 

 is meaningful in that it inherits the history that has continued since the Tamra era. Various documents say that the king of Tamra held a ceremony to pray for a good harvest, along with the 친경적전(親耕籍田, the custom of the king encouraging the people to farm by farming himself.)
It was suspended under the Japanese colonial rule to dismantle the spiritual solidarity of the people of Jeju, but was restored to 'Tamra Guk Ipchun Gut Nori' (spring ritual festival) in 1999.


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